Friday, May 17, 2019

Wholesale Martial Arts Supply Ranging From Taekwondo Uniforms To Other Gear

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and Olympic sport that was developed in post World War 2 Korea by various martial artists but is usually attributed to military general and martial artist Choi Hong Hi. The name, Taekwondo, translates to "the way of the fist and foot." In many ways, Taekwondo is traditional and promotes five values of courage, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. All Taekwondo practitioners, whether competitors or not are at all times expected to uphold these five tenets of Taekwondo. Head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques, are a characteristic of this martial art. Which is why this martial art is dominated by kicking techniques and employs punches as backup.

Gearing Up For Sparring

The uniform, known in Korean as a dobok, is a functional garment meant to allow freedom of movement and withstand the abuse of sparring and repeated intense workouts. You will require a loose, and comfortable dobok to execute moves efficiently. Buy taekwondo uniforms from wholesale sellers to make the most out of your training. The martial art is known for being full contact, unlike Karate which teaches self-control. So, buy your taekwondo uniforms from wholesale markets accordingly, and make sure that the dobok fits you correctly. For WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) Taekwondo you need a full body set of sparring equipment. This consists of a Hogu (body protector), helmet, shin pads, arm pads, mouth guard, groin guard, foot pads and gloves.

The Rules Of Taekwondo (WTF Standard)

The nature and speed of the kicks in martial arts make this martial art popular and highly useful in self-defense. Taekwondo spin kicks are some of the most powerful and if landed flush on the solar plexus, ribs, or face, it will end the fight. Hence, you need gear to prevent any excessive damage to either competitor. However, the rules clearly state that only kicks and punches are allowed. Kicks are allowed above the belt (it includes head) and punches are allowed also but not in head (WTF standard).

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